
This book by Journalist Barry White contains a selection of articles and blogs written between 2004 and 2014. 

Barry started blogging in 2009, after he was elected to the National Union of Journalist’s  National Executive Council. 

Originally, he mainly posted reports from NEC meetings and soon I set up his own site — From The NEC Up — and expanded the issues he wrote about. 

After he left the NEC in 2011 he changed the name of the site to The Spark, the name of the first union branch magazine he edited in the 1970s,  when he was publicity officer of NALGO’s Hertsmere branch in Hertfordshire. 

Barry always hoped his writing would encourage debate and action. 

After leaving Hertsmere council in 1982, he joined NALGO’s publicity department as a publicity field organiser. 

In 1993, NALGO merged with Cohse and Nupe to become UNISON – where he remained in the communications department until September 1997. 

Since then, he worked as the national organiser for the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom.

This book is out of print

ISBN: 978-0-9570726-1-9

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